Provider: Maximum Training Solutions
Type: Online Course
Online Content
Online Quiz
Recorded Video
CEC Credits: ACE 0.2 CECs

A Simple Evaluation Tool That Will Enhance Your Clients’ Core and Glute Training

Understanding how to train midline control (core and glutes) is essential for any exercise professional. But what exactly does that entail? Even when a client is performing a very strict, isolation-type strengthening exercise, there is a lot more going on than just working the target muscle. The nervous system is being used to set timing, sequencing, number of motor units, etc. to create the desired movement.

In this course, you will explore why, how and when to train midline control with a simple evaluation tool that helps you identify deficiencies to improve outcomes. Whether you’re training an athlete, sedentary individual or post rehab client, you’ll be equipped with a set of progressions and regressions to enhance timing, sequencing and rhythm in multiple planes of motion.

Led by Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS, Founder/President of Maximum Training Solutions, you’ll walk away with a new skillset that enhances common core and glute exercises. Improve your practice and make your clients feel better, move better, decrease their injury risk and improve their overall functional performance.

Upon completion, you will be able to:

  • Describe the various components of the body that contribute to midline control
  • Understand the effects that poor midline control has on the body
  • Specify proper exercise progressions for establishing and improving function in the core and glute regions
  • Properly screen clients for poor stability in multiple planes of motion
  • Identify midline control exercise variations that can be easily integrated into any exercise program 


poorly shot and unenthusiastic coaching. I make content in my own business and am amazed that this kind of production content and even overall coaching is being sold here. If you don't just need random CECs to re-up your cert, go do different learning or certification courses outside of ACE, their quality of teaching and education just sucks these days. ACE, if you're reading this, I'd be happy to make content for you, since it seems you're really not in the market of producing/selling anything engaging and truly educational to the average personal trainer.

Very informative.