2.5 CECs CEC Power Pass Ethics Course ACE Weight Management Specialist Program Approved by: ACE, ACSM, NASM, NETA, NFPT, AFAA, NCSF, NBHWC $399
0.2 CECs CEC Power Pass Advanced Behavior Change Strategies for Weight Management Approved by: ACE $39.95
0.6 CECs Bundle & Save! Coaching Strategies for Long-Term Weight Management - Course Bundle Approved by: ACE, ACSM $99.95
0.9 CECs Nutrition for Sports, Exercise and Weight Management: What Really Works - and Why Approved by: ACE $169
1.5 CECs Ethics Course Size Inclusive Training Academy Size Inclusive Fitness Specialist Approved by: ACE $379
0.1 CECs CEC Power Pass Weight Management: Changing Behaviors to Change Lives Approved by: ACE, ACSM $19.95